Wednesday, October 2, 2013

White Dress Shirt Story

White Dress Shirt Story
Matthew Ryan Fischer

A properly fitting, crisply ironed white dress shirt, along with an elegant and authoritative dark power tie; these were the essential parts to his day’s plan. Michael believed the shirt was a universally accepted symbol of excellence in business and a proper identification of status. Frantically he searched his closet for his favorite, best fitted shirt.
He was going to be late for his meeting. He had ironed it the night before and set it out, so it wouldn’t be misplaced. He wasn’t sure what had happened. His anxiety was growing with every passing minute. He needed that shirt. It was more than just a crutch, it was his good luck, it was his insurance; it was his guarantee that the meeting would be a success.
Trish understood the importance of the white dress shirt. Perhaps better than Michael did. She knew its power. Trish stood at the bedroom door, waiting for Michael to finally turn around and notice. Provocatively, she wore nothing but his cherished white shirt.
Michael had plans to make his meeting in record time. Trish had plans of her own.
Michael was going to be very late to his meeting. Very late indeed.


  1. But wait, did he get the job?

    1. I'm not sure the job was important to the crux of the story. I think the secret power that dress shirts possess was. That, and how women should wear men's clothing more often.

    2. Secret power...oh, you mean it was like a magic shirt. I get it - awesome twist ending!

    3. Killing people... Being self-aware... Fighting crime... Being super sexy... We are the internet central hub for all super powered shirt stories. We are cornering a market that no one asked for.
